October 5 - November 23, 2024

Language: English

  • 8 weeks

    8-week course in which you will learn methodologies and techniques to enhance the therapeutic properties of wild aquatic environments.

  • 2 hours a week

    Every Saturday (4-6 pm CET | 3-5pm UK | 10am-12pm EST | 7-9 am PT) you will participate in a 2-hour videoconference with a Live Online trainer (16 hours in total).

  • Highly Experiential

    With a Live Online trainer, you will perform practical exercises and explore theoretical content.

You will learn

  • The Wild Blue sequence of water connection activities.

  • Techniques and methodologies to promote well-being in blue spaces.

  • Understanding and managing emotions through water.

  • Playing and developing confidence with water.

  • Designing personalized activity sequences in aquatic environments.

Contents of the program

Wild Blue allows participants to integrate methodologies and techniques of connection with nature to enhance the therapeutic properties of aquatic environments

  1. 1
    • Thank you for joining the Forest Therapy Hub

    • Certification Pathway Agreement

    • Program, schedules and links

  2. 2
    • Biophilia and neuroscience. How to boost mood and mental health through contact with water.

    • Practice Week 1

    • Water is Medicine

    • Blue Spaces

    • Blue Spaces and Mental Health

  3. 3
    • Exploration of the interdependent relationships between water and the human being: the symbolism and representation of water in perception. Chemical properties of water.

    • Practice Week 2

    • Meditation Practice

    • The Sounds of Water

  4. 4
    • Fundamentals of hydrotherapy: the thermal balance of the body, techniques, and practices of connection with fresh water, and how to apply them in experiences.

    • Practice Week 3

    • Hydrotherapy Practice 1

    • Hydrotherapy Practice 2

    • Hydrotherapy Practice 3

    • Hydrotherapy Practice 4

  5. 5
    • Fundamentals of thalassotherapy: the properties of seawater and its benefits, the techniques, and practices of connecting with salt water, and how to apply them in the experiences.

    • Practice Week 4

    • Thalassotherapy Practice

    • Floating Therapy Studies

  6. 6
    • Breathing techniques and knowledge about the properties of negative ionization of air.

    • Practice Week 5

    • Mindfulness practice

  7. 7
    • Analysis of spaces and contexts to carry out experiences in blue environments: polluting and meteorological factors.

    • Practice Week 6

  8. 8
    • Learn the sequencing of activities according to the objectives and the space in which the activities take place.

    • Practice Week 7

  9. 9
    • Selecting a path that suits the participants and the objective of the session. Group management. Knowledge of the ethics of prevention and well-being that underpin the practice.

    • Practice Week 8

  10. 10
    • Delivery of final assignments

  11. 11
    • Bibliography

  12. 12
    • Wild Blue Certified Trainer Certification


Manuela Renzi

Manuela is a holistic practitioner who has studied Naturopathy, Spagyric Medicine and Ecopsychology. She is also an Ayurveda practitioner and Mindfulness facilitator. She speaks Italian, Spanish and English. Having grown up in an environment of mountain tourism, linked to nature, sustainability and the value of the land, she decides to dedicate her time to the wellbeing of people and the environment. In fact, she loves nature in all its forms, and she never misses an opportunity to try to convey this love to the people she knows. She creates events in support of environmental education, outdoor wellness activities, holistic paths and treatments aimed at awakening a love for nature. In addition to accompanying people in wellness programmes, for some years she has been teaching in various holistic schools in Italy.

What are the typical profiles of those participating in this training?

  • Health care professionals who aim to incorporate techniques and skills to their professional practice by offering an integrative proposal in an aquatic environment: naturopaths, psychologists, physiotherapists, forest therapy practitioners, art therapists, among others.

  • Well-being practitioners who wish to integrate new practices to their service offer: forest bathing guides, yoga teachers, mindfulness practitioners, aquatic discipline teachers, among others.

  • Tour operators, environmental educators, environmental hiking guides, swimming, surfing and diving instructors who wish to bring their clients closer to the water from a new perspective.

Language: English

  • 00 Days
  • 00 Hours
  • 00 Minutes
  • 00 Seconds

Cost of the program

  • €580,00

    (course in English)

  • 2 x €310,00

    (course in English)
